Proceedings of the 11th Mountain Lion Workshop
Effects of Remedial Sport Hunting on Cougar Complaints and Livestock Depredations
Does Sex Matter? Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Cougar-Human Conflict in British Columbia
Confronting Uncertainty in Wildlife Management: Performance of Grizzly Bear Management
Integrating Values and Ethics into Wildlife Policy and Management—Lessons from North America
Cougar Prey Selection in a White-Tailed Deer and Mule Deer Community
Long-Distance Dispersal of a Female Cougar in a Basin and Range Landscape

Sink Populations in Carnivore Management: Cougar Demography and Immigration in a Hunted Population
9th Mountain Lion Workshop, Proceedings, Abstracts, Agenda
Cougar Exploitation Levels in Utah: Implications for Demographic Structure,Population Recovery, and Metapopulation Dynamics